Step 3 - Create prefab instances and load images from the file system

In the previous step of this tutorial you created a reference to the Widget Item Prefab prefab node. In this step you use this prefab to create the prefab instances that represent the widgets in the Widget Grid List Box node, set the name, icon, and description for each widget, and populate the Widget Grid List Box with the Widget Item Prefab prefab instances.

To create prefab instances and load images from the file system:

  1. In the ProgrammerTutorialApplication class create the constructor for the WidgetDescription struct that defines the widget name, icon, and description, set the number of widgets, and define the array of widget descriptions.
    class ProgrammerTutorialApplication : public ExampleApplication
    	// Struct containing widget description.
    	struct WidgetDescription
    		// Constructor.
    		explicit WidgetDescription(
    			const string& widgetName,
    			const string& iconName,
    			const string& description) :
    		// The name of the widget.
    		string widgetName;
    		// The widget icon file name.
    		string iconName;
    		// The description of the widget shown in the description panel.
    		string description;
    	// The size of the array and the number of items you add to the array
    	// define how many widgets your application contains.
    	typedef array<WidgetDescription, 14> WidgetDescriptionArray;
    	// Create the array of widget descriptions.
    	static const WidgetDescriptionArray widgetDescriptions;
  2. After the ProgrammerTutorialApplication class initialize the widgetDescriptions array where each array entry contains the name, image file name, and description of the widget.
    /// Initialization of the widget description array.
    const ProgrammerTutorialApplication::WidgetDescriptionArray ProgrammerTutorialApplication::widgetDescriptions =
    	WidgetDescription("Browser",      "Icon001.png", "Browser description"),
    	WidgetDescription("Mail",         "Icon002.png", "Mail description"),
    	WidgetDescription("Game",         "Icon003.png", "Game description"),
    	WidgetDescription("Time",         "Icon004.png", "Time description"),
    	WidgetDescription("Calculator",   "Icon005.png", "Calculator description"),
    	WidgetDescription("Camera",       "Icon006.png", "Camera description"),
    	WidgetDescription("Movie",        "Icon007.png", "Movie description"),
    	WidgetDescription("Calendar",     "Icon008.png", "Calendar description"),
    	WidgetDescription("Chat",         "Icon009.png", "Chat description"),
    	WidgetDescription("Music player", "Icon010.png", "Music player description"),
    	WidgetDescription("Ninja",        "Icon011.png", "Ninja description"),
    	WidgetDescription("Splatter",     "Icon012.png", "Splatter description"),
    	WidgetDescription("Superstar",    "Icon013.png", "Superstar description"),
    	WidgetDescription("Chess",        "Icon014.png", "Chess description")
  3. In the ProgrammerTutorialApplication class in the onProjectLoaded function before storing the acquired resources and nodes (before using std::swap;) add the for loop to populate the Widget Grid List Box node with the instances of the Widget Item Prefab prefab instances. Note that the horizontal scrolling is a built-in functionality of the Grid List Box node.
    virtual void onProjectLoaded() KZ_OVERRIDE
    for (WidgetDescriptionArray::const_iterator it = std::cbegin(widgetDescriptions), end = std::cend(widgetDescriptions); it != end; ++it)
    		// Instantiate the Widget Item Prefab prefab.
    		Node3DSharedPtr widgetItem = widgetItemPrefabTemplate->instantiate<Node3D>(it->m_widgetName);
    		// Add the instance of the Widget Item Prefab prefab to the Widget Grid List Box node.
    		// The Widget Grid List Box takes the ownership of the instance.
    		// Apply a translation to all widgets that are in the second row to arrange them
    		// in a honeycomb formation. You arrange the widgets into three rows.
    		// When the Widget Grid List Box arranges its items you tweak the position of the widgets
    		// by applying the render transformation.
    		if (std::distance(std::cbegin(widgetDescriptions), it) % 3 == 1)
    			widgetItem->setRenderTransformation(Matrix4x4::createTranslation(2.75f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
    		// Apply the texture to the icon by changing the IconTexture resource ID to point
    		// to the image in the file system. The images are located in the working
    		// directory of the application you are running.
    		widgetItem->addResource(ResourceID("IconTexture"), "file://./" + it->iconName);
    		// Set the name and the description for the widget using the same custom property
    		// types you accessed in the previous step of this tutorial.
    		// When you create a prefab in Kanzi Studio the nodes of which you want
    		// to customize in each instance of the prefab, Kanzi adds to the root of
    		// the prefab the properties you want to edit, and creates a binding to
    		// these properties in the nodes. See Customizing instances of a prefab.
    		widgetItem->setProperty(*widgetNamePropertyType, it->widgetName);
    		widgetItem->setProperty(*widgetDescriptionPropertyType, it->description);
    When you run your application you can see instantiated and arranged Widget Item Prefab prefabs in the Widget Grid List Box node. Each widget in the Widget Grid List Box node has a name and an icon and you can scroll the list box horizontally. In the next step of this tutorial you implement the events that take place when the user selects a widget from the Widget Grid List Box.

See also

Using prefabs

Loading images from the file system